Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sophomore Year

August saw Evan go back to Duquesne for his sophomore year.

He moved in before his room mate.  It was a dull and dreary day.  This building is older and not as nice, so it was a little depressing!  Sorry for the poor quality .... these were taken with my Blackberry Pearl!

Took us a lot of trips up and down the elevator to get everything in.  It was raining out, so we alternated being wet to dealing with the humidity.

A couple of weeks later, Evan sent me pictures of his room after his room mate moved in and they moved things around ... certainly looks a lot better now!


Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I'm so geographically ignorant, I had to go look up where Duquesne was. I'd heard of it, but never really knew. I'm way out over in California and just get confused about where everything is once I get past Nevada.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

And another thing...I put your Nanny Goat Hill sign up on my blog yesterday for Goat Thing of the Day. (in case you haven't been by recently)